Relatech: Strategic collaboration with Chili S.p.A. for the industrial research and experimental development project Catch4.0

Written by Relatech | 30 September 2020

Relatech S.p.A. and Chili S.p.A. strat a strategic collaboration for the industrial research and experimental development project Catch4.0


Relatech S.p.A., announces that, today 09.30.2020, start an industrial collaboration with Chili S.p.A. for the experimentation of the Research and Development project "Catch 4.0 - an intelligent Consumer centric Approach To manage engagements, Contents & insigHts", verticalization of the digital and cloud-based platform RePlatform for the world of digital entertainment.

Chili S.p.A. is an Italian company founded in 2012, leader in the video entertainment market for the internet distribution of films, TV series and multimedia content.

Relatech S.p.A., through its subsidiary Ithea S.r.l., is a co-proposing partner in the Industrial Research and Experimental Development project Catch4.0, under the Fund for Sustainable Growth, "FCS - INTELLIGENT FACTORY SPORT - PON Imprese & Competitività 2014 - 2020 FESR".

The project, based on the proprietary Relatech platform RePlatform, aims to "Studying new methodologies, techniques, architectures and software solutions capable of playing an enabling role for the creation of an analysis and forecasting platform applied to customer engagement and customer satisfaction, through which to experiment new opportunities for use of data flows from multiple contexts with a high frequency of production and variation."

Read the press release