The first Manifesto of Sustainability of Relatech World

The Manifesto represents the common vision of the sustainability principles that inspire the Relatech Group, which are the basis of the sustainability path that the Group started last year with the first publication of the 2020 ESG Report.
The Document contributes, also to identify the main responsibilities that the Company assumes in this area and offers, in summary, an alignment of the Group with the Sustainable Development Goals (or Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs) of the United Nations.
Human Value, Sustainable Innovation and Strategic Ecosystem are the three pillars of the Sustainability Manifesto, on which the Relatech Group bases its commitment. At the first place there are definitely people, essential assets for the success of the company, on which Relatech continues to invest in terms of training and growth of skills. Sustainable innovation is also the heart of Relatech’s activity, which is committed to pursuing new innovative and research projects to respond to the current challenges of sustainable development. Last but not least, the Relatech Group believes it is necessary to create an ecosystem attentive to the ESG dimension, also through the definition of strategic and innovative sustainable solutions.
Pasquale Lambardi, President and CEO of Realetch, adds: "The Sustainability Manifesto is the anticipation and testimony of the significant commitment that the Group makes in ESG terms and which it intends to support with the publication of the second Sustainability Report. The 2021 ESG Report, drawn up on a voluntary basis and in compliance with the GRI Standards: Core option, establishes the interest that the Group has in carrying out a non-financial communication that aims to sensitize its internal and external ecosystem towards ESG issues and the Group's business increasingly towards sustainable and cutting-edge systems, in the belief that it can play a crucial role in the country's digital transformation process and generate value for stakeholders. "