ESG approach: how it works and what companies should know

The ESG approach serves to understand that, to evaluate a company, it is no longer enough to dwell on strictly financial logic. For some time, thanks to the pandemic which showed how much business choices were related to the environment and social, governance have been considering new strategies. Investors and entrepreneurs have stopped paying attention solely to financial management, also engaging in environmental and ethical aspects, which are considered fundamental for the only possible type of development: sustainable. It is from this revolution that so-called responsible investments are born, enclosed in the acronym ESG.
What ESG means, why is it so important
The English acronym ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance, and expresses the choice of companies to carry out financial investments without neglecting the environmental, social and governance aspects of the company. There can no longer be such a profitable financial return that does not take into account the impact of an activity on the environment, on citizens, but also within the company and the administration itself.
That is why ESG criteria are taken into consideration before any investment. These are principles that are also used to measure the reliability of a company, whose solidity no longer refers only to the ability to meet its financial commitments, but also to the possibility of having adequate governance systems for the management of risks, to control the effects of its activity on the environment and to enhance and protect people, from its employees to the community in which the company is part. In fact, rankings are drawn up from the ESG parameters that provide an assessment of companies on the basis of the commitment in terms of emissions and environmental impact, but also of attention to working conditions and gender equality among employees and, finally, of the ability in governance management.
In the context of new responsible business models inspired by ESG logic, an important role is played by the SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, also known as Sustainable Development Goals. Identified by the UN in 2015, these are 17 objectives to be achieved by 2030 and common to 193 UN member countries. Through philanthropic works, European projects, and concrete actions to protect the environment, the countries intend to promote the sustainable development of the planet, by safeguarding the territory and the well-being of the inhabitants.
Italian companies and the ESG approach: where we stand
Companies, as the engine of economic development, play a fundamental role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their contribution based on responsible investments is not only a must for the future of environmental sustainability, but it is also an excellent opportunity. of business for the companies themselves.
Pursuing sustainable objectives and adopting ESG parameters is a valid way to gain the favor of customers, who are increasingly attentive and interesting to such attention.
Despite the numerous benefits that could follow, according to a survey carried out by Consob in 2020 in collaboration with Assogestioni, in the face of some companies that have already extensively experimented with business models based on ESG issues, there are many others, also listed, which still have a long way to go before they reach good sustainability standards.
However, it can be said that the trend is positive, in fact a survey on the link between the ESG approach and Italian SMEs, carried out by the AIM Observatory of IR Top Consulting, showed that in 2020 it grew by 38% compared to the previous year the number of companies listed on AIM Italia that distinguished themselves for having undertaken an ESG reporting process on a voluntary basis. However, there is still room for growth as companies that pay attention to these issues currently represent only 18% of SMEs listed on the AIM Italia market.
Relatech's commitment when sustainability becomes competitiveness
Therefore, it is extremely advantageous for companies to draw up the sustainability report in order to integrate reports that also give an overview of important non-financial indicators to their financial reports. It is precisely in this context that the Relatech Group's desire to present the first ESG report fits into it. For the company, which positions itself on the market with digital solutions and innovative services aimed at fostering the digital transformation of businesses, innovation, the enhancement of Human Capital and environmental sustainability constitute the added value in a responsible business model, essential characteristics of a company that wants to establish itself in the panorama of Digital Innovation.
Confirmation also comes from the Group's alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs, with a concrete contribution to 4 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. First, the objective linked to innovation and research is fundamental for Relatech, given the strong commitment of the Group in the field of Open Innovation; also relevant is the promotion of decent work, as well as the enhancement of resources through adequate training dedicated to the development of new skills; finally, for Relatech the objective linked to active collaborations and partnerships is strategic, given the importance of sharing knowledge in the scientific context.
Therefore, with this vision, as stated by the CEO Pasquale Lambardi, the company will continue to engage in transparent and complete communication that favors the creation of a stable, balanced, and motivated shareholder base to accompany the group in its ambitious growth project.