19 June 2019
on Insider
Relatech, portrait of a company model able to attract talent
In a historical moment in which the media often face the theme of "brain drain" from Italy to abroad, Relatech's history...
17 June 2019
on Insider
Many projects that see the collaboration of Relatech with the University
During the 18 years of Relatech story, many are the project developed in collaboration with Universities, proceeding fro...
15 June 2019
on Insider
The IBM Beacon Award rewards the ReZone solution applied to pharma market
IBM Beacon Award, a prestigious recognition that gives value to the work conducted by Relatech to support the digital tr...
31 May 2019
on Data Analysis
Data analysis and behavior prediction models
How will clients behave? What will they buy? Which products will have to be re-stocked more frequently? Certainly, every...
31 May 2019
on Customer Experience
How to win over customers thanks to the customer experience?
Today at the base of business success there is the customer experience. This means satisfying the customer and his needs...
31 May 2019
How to choose and implement a data management platform on cloud
Data management is crucial to organize your business. It must be done in a correct way to obtain targeted responses thro...
31 May 2019
on Customer Experience
5 ways to improve the customer experience
Engagement: this is the watchword for developing increasingly innovative and personalized digital marketing strategies a...